
2nd HAAR Summer School

2nd HAAR Summer School


Theory and practice of aerosol chemistry and engineering for climate, air quality, emissions and health effects

(by means of In-Situ and Remote Sensing Observations)


Navarino Environmental Observatory

Greece 7-13th of June 2018

Aerosol particles are key components of the atmosphere and thus strong determinants of the climate at local, regional, and global scales. To understand how emissions by a number of natural and anthropogenic sources contribute to the atmospheric aerosol and to climate change we need to combine both in-situ and remote sensing observations with model predictions.

The objective of the summer school is to train young researchers on state-of-the-art instruments for determining the key properties of atmospheric aerosols, the tools for analyzing and interpreting the data, and the knowledge for putting those in the context of climate change. The summer school will be organized around lectures that will cover the basic theory followed by hands-on experience on:

  1. in-situ instruments for measuring the concentration, size and chemical composition of atmospheric particles,
  2. systems for probing the vertical distribution of the atmospheric aerosol, and
  3. new integrative approaches using models and observations for impact assessment.

The lectures and practical applications will be provided by a number of leading experts in the above 3 fields.


Course Registration fee: 300 EUR

Includes Accommodation, breakfast and light lunch.

Payment of registration fee contact: HAAR Treasurer Georgia Kastrinaki georgiak@cperi.certh.gr

Accommodation for the attendees will be arranged from 7th to 13th of June at the Navarino premises.


Short applications containing name, affiliation, contact details and a CV (up to 2 pages) should be sent before 15th of May at:

Lia Papadaki, NOA, Athens, Email: liapap@noa.gr

Tel. 210 810 9122

Fax. 210 810 3236
